Marketing & Communication

There are many ways to drive increased meal participation. Keep your nutritional programming as fresh as your food, and get students excited about what’s coming next. Here are a few suggestions. 

Marketing Tips

Suggestions to help you keep it fresh!

Make it Fun! 

Partner with local celebrities to infuse excitement 

Host themed events to draw attention to meal service 

Move to a playground or courtyard for a special occasion 

Entertain students in the cafeteria with music or a live performance 

Offer special items like Friday pizza or walking tacos 

Spread the News! 

Social media and PSAs are powerful ways to spread your message (See below for some social media post suggestions!) 

Monthly themed events can keep your food service relevant 

Live demos get attention! Recruit school chefs or administrators to prepare a featured menu item on a social video platform 

Offer food vendors opportunities to distribute free promo items to drive traffic to your meal service 

Post digital banner ads on learning platforms and district websites 

Inspire students by inviting a local chef to visit 

Adapt to Change! 

Embrace the season with holiday or National Day menu items 

Serve up meals in an innovative way such as build-your-own kits to keep students engaged with meals 

Bring menus to life with photos, videos or Tik-Tok posts about featured foods 

Create visual instruction pages so staff can serve meals easily and follow best safety practices 

Promote healthy eating with a smarter lunchroom that influences kids toward choosing healthier, more nutritious foods 

Watch for the latest programs from American Dairy Association North East to enhance your nutritional efforts 

Social Media Suggestions

Use the following templates as thought-starters to create your own social media posts. (Be sure to fill in your district’s specific details.)

What’s New?

What’s new at [Insert name of school]? We now serve [name of dairy food/drink]! At breakfast and lunch, you can get [name of dairy food/drink] to enjoy with your meal. [Include image and hashtag]

Did You Know?

Everyone should be eating three servings of milk and dairy products a day? Get the dairy foods your body needs at all school meals. [Include image and hashtag]

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

One serving of dairy-delicious milk, cheese or yogurt with your meal gives you the protein and nutrients your body needs to feel good and gives you the energy you need to power through your day. [Include image and hashtag]

Charge Up Your Day!

Charge up your day with a dairy-delicious treat! Grab a [name of dairy food/drink] now available in the cafeteria. [Include image and hashtag]

Don’t Suffer From FOMO!

Have no fear – we’re here for you with plenty of dairy-delicious [name of dairy food/drink]. Don’t miss out on [name of dairy food/drink] now available in the cafeteria! [Include image and hashtag]